It is simple We have the highest portent pepper balls, best quality and above all best pricing.
All of our products are 100% environmentally safe water proof and biodegradable.
We have 100% Positive feedback.
Reliable supply and delivery.
Customer service is number 1.
Products made to meet higher standards higher quality and lower price.
We are family own and offer a quality made product made for us to our specifications.
We offer one of the most potent Pepper munitions on the market today.
We supply 15% and 20% PAVA formula balls
As well as the standard 5% Munitions
We have them in .43 caliber, .50 caliber, and .68 caliber sizes.
Our standard packaging IS 7 and10 round tubes, and will customize to the qty you wish to order. We have customized containers that will hold 25,50,100, 400 rounds or more, the more you buy the better the price.
We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.